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Predictable pricing for every use case.

Find a plan that fits you. Upgrade at any time to enable additional features.

All plans start with a 7-day free trial

30-day money-back guarantee for new customers

Best For: Solo Practitioners
Try free for 7 days30-day money-back guarantee for new customers

1 chatbot

500 monthly conversations (unique sessions)

Learn from up to 10 pages or 50,000 characters

Email support

Basic analytics

Best For: Small Teams/Agencies
Try free for 7 days30-day money-back guarantee for new customers

Up to 3 chatbots

2000 monthly conversations (unique sessions)

Learn from up to 50 pages or 250,000 characters

Priority email support

Advanced analytics

Custom branding (remove 'Powered by' branding)

Best For: Large Firms & Corporations

Up to 100 chatbots

10000 monthly conversations (unique sessions)

Learn from up to Unlimited content coverage

Live in-person support

Custom analytics dashboard

Custom workflows with work tools

Custom branding and styling

API access

Team collaboration features

All Plans Include

💡 Add custom prompt buttons to guide users on what to ask chat

📬 Contact us form to collect email for follow up or leads

🤖 AI summarize chat and filter to make it easy to follow up key chats

🔍 Add additional knowledge to bot not found on your site

🚀 Cutting edge AI model for precise question and answer

🔗 Choose to embed AI assistant on your site or share direct link